Monday, February 18, 2008

Great Grape Shea Butter Lip Balm

Pegasus Handmade Shea Butter Vegan Lip Balm in Great Grape
$2.50 (+ S&H)
From Pegasus Handmade Soaps Etsy Store

[Sweet Almond Oil, Cocoa Butter, Shea Butter, Candelilla Wax Vitamin E Oil]

My love for grape matches my love for mango. I was very excited about the fact is is vegan.

This stuff smells sooooo yummy. It's very grapey. Not medicine grape but like a good grape sucker.
It tastes just as great at it smells. It does taste more like a real purple grape than a sucker though.

This stuff glides on, absorbs pretty quick, and leaves a light gloss. It wears well. Pretty long time. About 2 hours between applications, but if you're a lip'll go fast. Trust me.

And it doesn't melt in your pocket. I took it to work, had it with me all day and it wasn't like the Avalon Organics lip balm that got soft.

The only negative thing I can say about this balm is that the label is kinda lame. A cliche set of lips and just text. But it's ok.

This is a fantastic Vegan lip balm. I would recommend it to any of my Vegan friends.

Overall, for 2.50 this is a Vegan jack pot. Since Pussy Pucker Pots are far and few between now, I'm going to give the Vegan full of flavor title to this lip balm right here. (this title could change if you provide me with greatness)

Rating- 5 outta 5

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there, Thank you so much for the review on my lip balms. I really do appreciate the kind words. Yes my labels are rather simple, but have been working on a new style for them. LOL. I just received a order from a customer who read your blog. :-) It just made my day! Much thanks again.

Pegasus Handmade Soaps